Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hi, I'm back after quite a long absence. I was sick for a while. Thank G-d, I'm back and doing much better. Well, today is my first day of my new job- after care program for 4-7 year old kids from 1:00-6:00. This should be quite a new experience. In more ways than one. Maybe they (the kids) will teach me how to chill some more. Being intense and deep has its place and time, but I need more of a balance. For my own sake. One main thing that hopefully I will learn from them is not to beat myself up so much. That's one thing that little kids don't usually do so often. You don't see too many 5 and 6 year olds spending their time being hard on themselves. They don't over-think things either. Maybe I can pick up some things from them. Maybe appreciate simplicity some more. That would be great.
I'm a bit nervous though. Nervous for the challenges that come with the job. The challenges that lie ahead. I'm Scared to begin the new year- scared of the unknown. Should I be? No. But I am. It's natural I guess. Tells me I need to work on my bitachon. I have A LOT to work on don't I? Yep. But I can't do everything at once. S0 what do I choose? Hmmmm.........
Of everything I need to work on, I think I'll choose to work on giving myself credit for everything I do and all the effort I use towards things. I will try to acknowledge even and ESPECIALLY the things that may be easy for most people but are hard for me. I don't exactly know how to do that without feeling fake. So if any of you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Looking forward


Anonymous said...

first of all its okay to be nervous. you make it sound like its a crime to be nervous but its natural and it fine. secondly it may feel fake at the beggining but after thinking about it every day and acknowloging that things may be easy for other people and harder for u then eventually this wont feel fake to u. u will feel this way and just acknowloging( i know i spelled it wrong....but who cares) what u need to work on is a big step in ure bitachon. You go girl!!! i wish i was on your level!! later

Max said...

hi anonymous.....you probably are on my level (if not quite beyond it) and just dont realize it.