Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hi again

Just a short note
Sorry I seem to disappear form time to time. Well, I don't really actually disappear, I'm here. It's actually harder to write my thoughts than I thought it would be. Oh, well. So ......
I'm going to work in about 20 minutes. I'm starting to learn the ropes there a bit. But everyday is completely different. It depends on everyone's moods. Yesterday, everyone seemed to be extra hyper. Maybe the teachers stuck something into their drinks or something. I sort of doubt that actually.

I am also working doing a sort of secretary type job and learning how to do that. Thank G-d, I'm busy. Ironically, (but not unexpected), I think I'm learning a LOT more this year (living at home and working 2 jobs) than when I was living out of town and going to school as a student. Learning about the world, and learning about myself. I know this all sounds very vague and I hope to go into more detail in the coming blogs (soon hopefully).

So much to talk about :-)


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Anonymous said...

They definitely slipped something in the drinks. I was always convinced this was what the teachers always did in the teacher's room. They spend all their time brewing potions. Duh.

In all seriousness, sounds like so far it's been a challenging, yet hopefully rewarding year. It's one stage closer to being all grown up and stuff. Aint that exciting. Learning new things is always great. Sometimes it's hard as anything, but think about all those experiences you can stick in your back pocket.