Sunday, September 17, 2006

Where on earth am I?

I haven't written much these days because I've been so detatched from myself that I even wonder where I've gone. I'm still detatched now but now at least I'm attatched enough to realize that I'm not attatched at ALL.
Where on earth have I gone?
I kinda miss me..
Or do I?
I miss SOMETHING...but I dont know what that something is.
Let me tell you, it's really great feeling in the dark and oblivious to your own self.
It's almost as fun as an ice cream cone (except without the ice cream..and without the cone, for that matter)
And I am so sick of what tries to be chizuk but what sounds like such a cliche. Uch...Don't like cliches. They are so fake. Fake rhymes with rake. And bake. And steak. Why am I thinking about food. I'm not hungry are you?
I really hope that G-d will give me clarity. and soon.
I am so sick of so much!!!


Anonymous said...

hey banana bread!
That is really deep! You know what? i feel the same way! Where did we go?? I dont know about you, but I think I left my soul by the Kotel- and it is waiting patiently for me to come and pick it up!! I know that sounds crazy, but I also feel such a void right now- and I want it to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let us daven for each other!
P.s please dont ever tell a/o my true identity- or I will be unable to post again!

Max said...

Hi Beatrice!
I would never reveal your identity on here! Why on earth would I do that silly?
I was soooo happy to see that you haven't given up on me and still comment on my blog - despite my absence (dont know how 2 spell, sorry). Your comment has inspired me to keep writing- and I want to thank you for that. I appreciate the fact that you not only gave me feedback and showed appreciation for what I wrote, but you also shared with me some of how you feel and it was a pleasure to read. I want to thank you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being YOU...
-banana bread

Anonymous said...

i defintely understand what your feeling. Now adays everything is so blahhhhh. I really hope that you and i will get clarity, soon!!

Max said...

to my report support,

Anonymous said...

Hello again banana bread!
I was on line for school and I decided to write since I have soooo much time to write..
Anyways I just wanted to say
Thank you!
Have a good shabbos

Anonymous said...

O.k wait that message was wrong- I meant to say talk- since i have so much time to talk- and the thank you was supposed to sound profound and it didn't- so pretend k?

Max said...

hey bannana bread,
Thanks for saying hey :-)
I appreciate your comments :-)
and I hope to continue blogging soon.