Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On the lighter side :-) ........

So I could write some poetry now or some deep thought but....
So whats up?
You don't need to answer that if you don't want to-
Just making conversation.
If I were a frog, and you were my owner, what would you name me?
Would you keep me in your lunchbox?
Thats what I used to do when I was younger (no, not hop into other people's lunchboxes).
At camp in the summer, I used to have this hard lunchbox cooler things (remember those?) and
I would (after I ate my lunch out of it obviously), when I's see a little mini frog (they were all over the place at this camp), I'd put some grass in the lunch box and collected the frogs in there. At the end of the day, I would set them free though. It was actually tough to part with them (especially when I'd give them names).
Imagine if you'd live on a farm and raised and slaughtered chickens. And imagine if you had names for one of your chickens and then would slaughter them. " Honey! Come down! It's dinner time! We're eating Margret!"
So now it's time for the (drumroll please)...........
Ingenius Thought of the Day
"Thought of the day." Huh. Has a nice ring to it (as if I made up the phrase ;-)
Although in my case, maybe I should have instead: "Question of the day" but then that would
limit me to a question a day and I don't think I can handle that kind of limit. Oh yeah, thought of the day right.
Did I think today?
Oh yeah! I just did! (the "hmmm")
Anyways, yeah.....
The ingenius thought for today is:
Nope.....cant think of anything......Lets turn it into the Question of the day
So, the Question for today is:
uch this is too hard. You're putting me on the spot here!
And by you, I mean me. Dont worry I only talk to myself on leap years.
So I'm gonna go and I just want to remind everyone to take their vitamins if they havent yet done so today
See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

i like the way you think. its random and also fun. keep it up and keep on blogging

Anonymous said...

If you were a frog, I'd call you princess, dear max. Duh.

Thank you for keeping me in suspense there, waiting for the thought of the day which never appeared.

Vitamins are important, though. This is true.

Oh yeah, and if I had a chicken farm, I'd name them after all my siblings, so I could take a bite out of whichever one's namesake annoys me at any given time.

Max said...

To anonymous:
thank you for the feedback....looking forward to seeing your future comments :-)
Glad you like....
I hope you're ready 4 more ;-)

Max said...

lol....the thought of the day never appeared, you're quite right. It was keeping me in suspense also. And your chicken farm idea is a charming thought to picture....and I'd like to thank you for ever so graciously putting that picture in my head.
looking forward to more blogging moments,

Anonymous said...

Mmmm mmmm. I just chomped on my brother's leg. So very yummy.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Max,
I have to say I think this is is pretty funny and creative of you! I do agree with hisbonenus - I thought it was pretty entertaining that the thought of the day which turned into the question of the day never made its way onto the blog. Oh, well, maybe it keeps the suspense until tomorrow's thought of the day . . .? I guess I'll have to wait til then! Thanks Max.

Max said...

lol...I love my dear friends

Max said...

SO much!