Monday, August 21, 2006

Sorry I disappeared for a while. It was not intentional.
It's also NOT because I had nothing to write. On the contrary, I probably had TOO much to write. There's this thing in my brain that when so many ideas come into it, I have a hard time deciding which one (out of the million) to choose to keep. So many thoughts. So many images. So many songs. So many people. So many books. If my brain could scream, it probably would. Ah, but what would it say?
If your brain could scream, what would it say?
(and why would it be screaming?...I know, I know...that's two questions. But you can handle it. I have great faith in you.)
My gosh, why does all the new music coming out sound like it's from the 80's?? It's kinda bugging me cuz that sort of music is just not my bag of cookies. (or box, depending on your brand of cookie preference). I'm more of a guitar type person. Even as a little one, I used to pretend I was strumming my guitar in my car seat (on the big black buckle thing in front of remember those car seats?)in the car. I would strum it to whatever was playing on the radio. I didn't have radio station choice privledges-excuse spelling- at that point in time (as I'm sure you figured since I wasn't even big enough to sit in a regular seat). It was an oldies station that both of my parents listened to. So I could probably sing all those songs in my sleep (they were like the first songs I heard for the first 10 years of my life.. EVERYtime in the car. ) I remember especially liking the guitar to Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson" and that instrumental song called like "gas something" ....I forget the name of the song. Well, I'm gonna go now....Catchya all later


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm glad you're back :) Wow, oldies music...brings back memories of being in the car with my mom too lol.

Max said...

Dearest Shuli
I'm glad I'm back too. :-)
And so happy to see you here.
your buddy,

Anonymous said...

Isn't your birthday coming up around now? Happy Early/Belated Birthday!

Max said...

Elusive twirl. WOW ...I'm really impressed! Yes, indeed, my birthday is coming up! September 3rd IY"H. Thanks for remembering! WOW.
-your buddy, Max

Anonymous said...

Hello banana bread!
Wow I feel like a grandmother! What is this site! It is like way cool! I want one- anyways darling do you EVER sleep- I know you told me that you are trying to, but 4:00 AM?????????? I guess that is when true brilliance strikes! Anyways I think you are awesome!
SHHHHHHHH I used to LOVE the oldies station:)
Beatrice (goes with the grandmother image- hey??)

Max said...

Dearest Beatrice...
It is such an honor to have you post on my have inspired me to continue ...
your buddy,
Bannana Bread
p.s.- so what do you think of what i have to say on this thing man?