Saturday, December 27, 2008


I noticed that people tend to underestimate the effects of certain things. Specifically:

Even if you're in the same building, different places create different moods. The room and the mood is then context for your frame of mind. Your frame of mind is the context for your actions, decisions, and experiences. The more rooms to choose from, the more context options to choose from. Maybe that's where the expression: "Opening doors" (which means expanding options and opportunities) comes from. (I said "maybe" which means "maybe not" also). Who knows. If one is uncomfortable in a place (a room), the discomfort can sometimes be relieved by a simple change of location. Go to another room.

A big, and an often overlooked factor in a place. If something bugs you about the mood of a place, try changing the lighting. It's a big thing that most people wouldn't think to do and it really has the ability to sharply change the energy of a room.

This one is a bit more obvious but is still overlooked by some (often just because the constant presence of people in their lives is taken for granted. It's human not to notice what is always there.) Whether or not there are people within your vicinity (and your level of interaction with them) and who those people are, can really effect someone's state of mind. Isolation is not something I recommend. Human's are social animals.

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