Saturday, December 27, 2008

no press

I like not having the pressure of having to write in this. It makes me wanna write in it!
So what can I talk about? I really could talk about mostly anything. I have an opinion on pretty much everything (if I'm aware of its existence), and I even have theories about a lot of things. Give me a topic, and I could probably tell you, in many words, what I think about it. This is probably why I liked the exercise we used to do in Toastmasters (a public speaking class thing that we did in high school) where the leader would say a topic and someone would have to, on the fly, talk for 5 minutes about the topic. Though I DO find, that when there's pressure to talk about something, I tend to have a mind clog. I think and talk more (and I have much more to say) when I'm relaxed. I wonder if everyone is like that.
See....I can even talk about talking! (that's actually kinda cool)
I tend to have less to say about the loaded topics though. You know what I'm talking about. The ones where everyone has an opinion on the matter. Like abortion, the death penalty, cloning, and other controversial type stuff. Not that I don't have an opinion on those things. I sometimes do, but its usually either a simple, one word answer, or I haven't made up my mind yet because of the baggilion factors that play a part in it that I'm either not aware of, or don't wish to be aware of.
Or I love (full sarcasm intended) questions like: "What do you think of______?" Usually the blank being filled in with something huge, like: "the holocaust", "9/11", "President Bush", etc.
Like, what am I supposed to say to that?
What do I think of the holocaust? "Um, it sounded like it really sucked?"
Or am I supposed to go on and on about everything I know about it and then give a detailed opinion on how and why each thing happened?
What do I THINK of _______?
I usually respond with the general confused response implying: "Huh? What on earth are you asking me?" Then I try to either change the subject or somehow in the "nicest" way possible try to explain why I cannot really answer the question.

Opinions are funny things anyway. Everyone is entitled to (at least) one (those who have more than one are probably Jewish or confused). So everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but stating it can get you into trouble sometimes. It's something that some people want to hear, and some really do not want to hear.
Opinions change. Now how weird is that?
If opinions give a strong light to viewing who a person is, then how can they change?
Ok, I know the answer to that question so why did I even ask it?
Now that, on the other hand, is a good question!
Thank you, thank you, hold the applause.....