Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Note from me to you

So how much do you know about me?
Is what you know, what you see in my words on this blog?
Then what if I would change the way I write?
Would you see me differently?
Have you ever seen me one day, then the next and feel like you're experiencing two different people?
Yeah? Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Now I guess you've gotta rethink if you've ever really met ME before
I guess we have to start over now then.
It's nice to meet you my name is ___________
This time try to see past some of the stuff that threw you off before.
You can do it. I know you can
I am ONE person.......I dare you to find me!


Anonymous said...

Nobody is two-dimentional. We all have many facets. The person you are face-to-face, the one you are on the phone, your blogger-identity, are all YOU, that is true. But they are each a different expression of who you are. To expect people to relate to you equally on each unique turf is not a very likely request.

Max said...

hee hee. What i wrote is not about expectations. It's merely a thought expressing an emotional frustration that every human posesses when they feel that they want to be understood. Often people think they know someone and leave it at that when really, they dont actually know them at all because they see that what they knew about that person has either changed or gone away. And at that point the person maybe has to rethink how well they actually knew the person to begin with. You are right that there are different expressions of who you are. What is meant to be is that the person relates to you VIA those expressions. What often happens, however, if a person has only a one dimensional view of you, the person may begin to relate to the EXPRESSION of you and not to you yourself. THAT is where the problem arises and this feeling comes with that problem.
Thanx 4 commenting hisbonenus ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, good answer there max. I agree with you almost completely. But one question: Do you not believe that sometimes people DO change drastically, and that that doesn't mean you didn't know him/her well before, but rather that he/she IS a new person now?

Max said...

I like your question. Change happens on a lot of different levels and in a lot of different ways. I think that the deeper you (inside a person), the less amount changes. For example, the very superficial parts to a person changes at a very rapid rate: ie. The information that you have stored in your brain changes almost every minute, Your clothes get dirty so you change them every day. You have some good hair days and some bad hair days. Then if you go a bit deeper, your physical body which changes at more of a slower rate (you grow, hair greys etc. How about your habbits...although they are not YOU, they may be more apart of you than say you clothes (which you change everyday). And then comes your emotions (your emotional world). How a person feels about something is not likely to change by itself that often and if it does happen, usually its because either the person got some new info that they may have not had b4 or understood before (new info could be obtained via experience and or reading/talking with people). Even then, if you go a bit deeper to your emotional style, you'll see that how you feel about most things is because its how your emotional style deals with this new thing (which it may have not had before). I dont exactly know the correct order of what goes before what but I think you get my point. If you reach the center deepest core of a person-the "me" of the person, THAT never changes. That stays constant (the other things that change and appear that they are changing are merely direct and less direct EXPRESSIONS of that "me" that inner point. That if people seem as if they've really "changed" as a person, they probably have just changed on a level which is deep but is still only an EXPRESSION of them. (The deeper the place that change takes place at, the more change resultss which affects all other things which are on the more superficial level ie: if you change on the level of emotional style, that will funnel down to all the other more superficial levels and you will then speak differently, hold yourself differently, have different friends, dress differently etc..) The "you"/"me" on the other hand is unchanging and in fact, if it WAS a changing thing, then all the other changes wouldnt even be noticed (like if you are in a moving vehicle and you dont look out the window to SEE that you are moving, then you wont feel that you are moving because you are moving right along with it. In other words, You can only see change if you have a still/ unchanging frame of reference )

Max said...

holy crap
I can't believe I wrote that.