Sunday, August 06, 2006

The first subject we are going to address in this Undecided-aholic's Anonymous is indecision.
Oh, wait....Hi, my name is Max Imum and I'm an Undecided-aholic. Wow, that felt good to get off my chest. So anyway, back to the topic at hand:
Why do we have to make decisions anyway? What is their purpose?
I mean, let's say I have to choose between Option A & Option B
So let's say I choose Option A. Now what? Whoopie...I chose Option A. No more Option B! Am I supposed to be jumping for joy because I've eliminated option B? I mean, what did Option B ever do to me that I should sing and dance at his/its defeat: "Ding dong the witch is dead..." Was Option B so horrible that its extinction calls for a party or something? Really, Option A isn't so much better. So does that mean I should eliminate him/it too? Then I can celebrate for killing off ALL options! Whoopee! Now I don't have to do ANYTHING! Option A is dead along with its sister (or brother) Option B!
Again, I return to my original question:
What is the purpose of making a decision?
I have posed my first question and I would like to know if anyone can give me any answers.
Looking forward.....


Amanda said...

"It is our actions, far more than our choices, that define who we truly are."--dumbledore

thoughts are nothing without action. choosing A over B means nothing. Acting on it, moving somewhere, mentally, physically, is everything. Mitzrayim is as much a place as a mental state. The action guided by the thought to accept release and open our minds to freedom, from slavery of the body and nefesh makes us those chosen. Choice is everything.

Max said...

The way I see freedom is free of (getting rid of) all things that get in the way of being (being me). When given the choice of A or B, and I choose one, how is choosing A being me? How is choosing B being me? Is it? I feel like it's easier to be me without the choice (meaning, if i didnt have the choice).And why are there just A or B? What about C? Or maybe D? .......and why do none of them seem to look satisfying. I want to take responsibility and I do think i have the abilty to give up things in order to accomplish something that I want to. But what on earth do I WANT? THAT is a question that both only I can answer and I also seem to be the only one who CANT answer it. again we come to a catch 22.....

Anonymous said...

I think that the purpose of making decisions is so that you can feel settled that youv'e chosed one thing and that's how it's going to be. You don't have that unsettled awful feeling that things are up in the air. The purpose of decision making, in my opinion, is piece of mind.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog I am also very undecided about anything.

Max said...

To Shuli-
Interesting answer. I like the honesty in it. I am about to say why it does not answer the question but (please don't take offense to it because I DO value your answers and your thoughts)
Ok, you can't say that its purpose is "piece of mind" because the "lack of piece of mind" originates in the the concept of decision making in the first place. If there was no such thing as making decisions, there would be no decisions to make, hence there would be no indecision, and none of the anxiety that comes with it.

Max said...

And Amanda:
I re-read your comment like 10 times and I still don't get it. It doesn't seem as if you are, at all, addressing the specifics of my question.
And what does the dumbledore quote (which I also don't understand) have to do with your answer?
And when I say "making a choice" it includes its carrying out(or in your words, its action).