Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hi again

Just a short note
Sorry I seem to disappear form time to time. Well, I don't really actually disappear, I'm here. It's actually harder to write my thoughts than I thought it would be. Oh, well. So ......
I'm going to work in about 20 minutes. I'm starting to learn the ropes there a bit. But everyday is completely different. It depends on everyone's moods. Yesterday, everyone seemed to be extra hyper. Maybe the teachers stuck something into their drinks or something. I sort of doubt that actually.

I am also working doing a sort of secretary type job and learning how to do that. Thank G-d, I'm busy. Ironically, (but not unexpected), I think I'm learning a LOT more this year (living at home and working 2 jobs) than when I was living out of town and going to school as a student. Learning about the world, and learning about myself. I know this all sounds very vague and I hope to go into more detail in the coming blogs (soon hopefully).

So much to talk about :-)
